

Specimen Requirements:
All specimens should be submitted in a clean container, routinely filled with 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin and accompanied by a completed requisition with:

1) Patient's complete name
2) Social Security or medical record number
3) Test(s) required
4) Requesting physician's name
5) Pertinent clinical history

Tissue fixed in 10% Neutral Buffered formalin cannot be used for microbiological culture, electron microscopy, and certain types of histochemistry requiring frozen sections.

Frozen sections: submit a fresh tissue in no fixative: DELIVER IMMEDIATELY TO UH1D354

Fresh tissue: submit on saline moistened gauze: DELIVER IMMEDIATELY TO UH2F341

Fixed tissue: place immediately upon removal in 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin

Outside slide consultation: a letter or pathology report must accompany slides submitted for consultation from outside the University of Michigan.

For additional information, please refer to the Pathology Laboratories Handbook or call 734-936-6795 with questions.