They are the Gift that Keeps on Giving
All pathology faculty and staff are invited to attend this year’s 13th Clinical Pathology Symposium at the start of Laboratory Professionals Week.
In 1985, the field of toxicology, the study of various drugs, metals, and poisons in the body, was reporting research on how to measure cannabinoids in the blood, calculate blood alcohol levels, and the dangers of using propylene glycol as part of intravenous injections. It was also the year that the Department of Pathology welcomed a new member to their toxicology laboratory, medical laboratory professional Brian Wright. Wright had just graduated from the University of Michigan with a bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology and Microbiology. His interest in pathology was sparked by performing scientific testing on biological specimens during his undergraduate training.
30 Years of Service Coming to an End
With great sadness, we share the passing of Denise Flannery, a Medical Technologist Specialist in our Clinical Microbiology Laboratory. She began her career as a microbiology technologist in 1991 and worked at Providence and Botsford hospitals before joining us at Michigan Medicine in 2016. She was a leader in the bacteriology area of the lab, lending her expertise to complicated cases and improving laboratory procedures. A celebration of life will be held in honor of Denise on Saturday, October 12th from 12:00 - 4:00 pm at the Suburban Collection Showplace [...]
Congratulations to Carol Young, MLS(ASCP), clinical research project manager in microbiology, on her selection as the 2025 American Society of Microbiology’s Scherago-Rubin Award for Clinical Microbiology recipient.
This award recognizes an outstanding bench-level clinical microbiologist involved in routine diagnostic work who has distinguished themself by excellent performance. The award was established by the late Sally Jo Rubin, an active member of ASM's Clinical Microbiology Division, in honor of her grandfather, Professor Morris Scherago.
Third-year resident Dr. Lauren J. Miller received the 2024 Dr. Phillip and Sandra Barney Resident Volunteer Service Award from the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) at this year’s annual meeting. If you follow our #UMichPath social accounts, you recognize her as @LJMiller_MD. You may have seen her providing Case of the Week (#COTW) posts or featured in our residency program video, conducting grand rounds, teaching medical students, and other department content. These are just a few ways that her volunteer service has directly and positively impacted our department’s communication efforts as we work to enhance the availability of educational and informative content.
Following his Namesake in Shaping the Future of Clinical Pathology
Help us welcome our new resident class, the Class of 2028!
Pathology Faculty and Staff Team up with Clinical Colleagues to Address Post-Surgical Kidney Injury
Congratulations to Thomas Annesley, PhD, DABCC, Active Professor Emeritus of Clinical Chemistry on his recognition with an Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine from the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine. This award is considered the premier award of the Association and is granted as a "lifetime achievement" award for contributions to the field of clinical chemistry. Individuals selected for this award have made significant contributions in all aspects of clinical chemistry, particularly service, education, and research; have achieved international stature and reputation by virtue of their efforts; and have demonstrated long standing service to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM, formerly AACC), either at the grass roots, national and/or international levels.
Congratulations to Drs. Stephanie Skala, assistant professor of genitourinary, gynecologic, and surgical pathology and director of surgical pathology, and Jensyn Cone Sullivan, assistant professor of transfusion medicine, director of blood bank, and incoming director of the transfusion medicine fellowship program, on being named to the American Society for Clinical Pathology’s 40 Under Forty list!
Voting is now open on the top 40 nominees for selection to the Top Five, awarded in-person at The ASCP 2024 Annual Meeting! Click here to cast your votes – and vote daily through July 22nd, no login or email address required.
It is with great sadness that we share the sudden and unexpected passing of Liz McCloud, QA Coordinator for Satellite Phlebotomy. Liz started at Michigan Medicine-Pathology in 2006 and grew tremendously over the years from that of a Patient Care Tech Associate to Associate Supervisor, and in 2017 she assumed the role of Quality Assurance Coordinator.
Team Enhancing Care Daily at U-M Health.
Pathology Takes Extra Steps to Ensure Patient Care Excellence
The Clinical Pathology Symposium traveled to Danto Auditorium to showcase the Future of Pathology.
Healthcare disparities arise from multiple sources, some of which are cultural and rooted in historical biases. In health research, most study participants in the past have been of European descent. This delayed the identification of specific genetic differences that are found more frequently in non-Europeans, leading to misdiagnoses and inappropriate healthcare for those with these differences. One of these is the Duffy-null genotype leading to a Duffy-associated neutrophil count (DANC) that is lower than established reference ranges.
When thinking of Pathology, many people think of tests being run in a laboratory located “somewhere” or of autopsies being performed in the morgue. It is considered a field with little direct contact with patients, and this may be true for much of the department, but not all. One area of the department that has a lot of patient contact is our phlebotomy services. Phlebotomists are the people who collect blood at your bedside in the hospital or as you sit in a chair at a blood-drawing station. This high-demand career field is staffed with people whose goal is to make sure you have the best experience possible while having your blood drawn for testing.
One of these people is Jonathan Jennings, a phlebotomist at the Briarwood Clinics in Ann Arbor. Jennings has worked in this role for the past ten years, but phlebotomy was not his initial career choice in life. He occupied his younger years as a truck driver, making daily runs delivering goods around the Midwest. Years of long hours of sitting and bumping along in a semi took its toll on his body and by 40 years of age, his back could no longer endure the punishment. He had a choice to make…go on disability or find a career where his back issues could be accommodated.
David Harro recalls 40 Years in Pathology
Dr. Daniel Boyer was recently announced as the Hematopathology Section Director. The hematopathology section consists of eleven faculty members who provide expert subspecialty diagnostic services and care for a large population of Michigan Medicine and MLabs patients using a variety of technologies including morphology, flow cytometry, cytogenetics, FISH, and molecular diagnostics. The service is anticipated to grow in volume and complexity as our integrated care network expands, and Dr. Boyer's leadership will be instrumental to our joint success.
Our Apheresis Unit’s faculty and staff take excellent care of the patients who come through their doors. Their dedication and compassion were recently recognized by Michigan Medicine’s Office of Patient Experience as they were awarded as one of the top two sites for performance on the patient experience metric for the past two quarters. Keith Gran, Chief Patient Experience Officer, and Devin Uppert, OPE Administrative Director presented members of the Apheresis Team with their award on March 19, 2024.
The Michigan Association of Blood Banks 69th Annual Scientific Meeting is to be held at the Schoolcraft College VisTaTech Center in Livonia, Michigan on September 20th and 21st , 2023.
Learn more about residency at the University of Michigan.
It is with great pleasure that we introduce Dr. Annette Kim, Division Director for Molecular and Genomic Pathology and Clinical Professor of Pathology, effective July 1, 2023. Dr. Kim is a nationally and internationally recognized leader in her field, with a remarkable track record of accomplishment in clinical practice, education, and discovery.
The ever-popular annual Clinical Pathology Symposium returned to an in-person format this year in honor of Medical Laboratory Professionals Week and was a hit! The theme for this year’s Symposium was Resilience. Rebound. Readiness. Held in the football-shaped Dining Hall at the NCRC [...]
Dr. Lee Schroeder shares his story.
As the SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to mutate over time and new booster vaccines become available, the question arises, are the multivalent boosters more effective at improving immune response than the monovalent vaccines with which we began? This question was addressed by a multi-site group from Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (New York) and from the University of Michigan Medical School Department of Pathology. Drs. Riccardo Valdez, Carmen Gherasim, and Aubree Gordon represented the Immunity Associated with SARS-CoV-2 (IASO) research team at U-M[...]
Standing-Room-Only Crowd Honors Achievements
Inpatient and outpatient phlebotomists from Michigan Medicine Department of Pathology are highlighted in career snapshots videos produced by The Pathologist Magazine. Click through to watch these videos or to get a link to open positions in phlebotomy at Michigan Medicine.
A Perspective by Dr. Noah Brown
The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Pathology Ambassadors (PAs) is a grassroots program composed of pathologists and pathology trainees who help facilitate student pathology interest groups and mentor medical students at their home institutions. This ambassador program has two major goals: (1) to help recruit innovative, passionate, and diverse medical students to the field of Pathology and (2) to enhance other specialties’ understanding of pathology and our services, in turn positively impacting patient care.
Each Fall at the annual ASCP conference, two PAs are honored with the Pathology Ambassador Award for their outstanding, creative, and impactful events and mentorship. In October 2021, I was humbled to receive this award as a UM hematopathology fellow. This year, both winners are University of Michigan pathology trainees, too – Drs. Julianne Szczepanski and Justin Kelley!
Congratulations to Kristina Martin, Clinical Pathology Operations Director, who recently took home the award for the Scientific-Assembly Laboratory Administration award from the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) [...]
Dr. Matt Cusick describes the role of the HLA Laboratory in Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation.
This month marked the usual United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)'s Annual Meeting. This year's hybrid-style event, the 11th annual, was held both in-person and virtually in Los Angeles, California from March 18-24, 2022. The symposium featured several short and long courses, as well evening specialty conferences and ticketed seminars. The conference also included numerous poster sessions, live Q&A segments, and a multitude of social events [...]
Dr. Riccardo Valdez, the John G. Batsakis Professor of Pathology and Director of Clinical Pathology, has been appointed as the Ambulatory Care Clinical Chief (ACCC) for Pathology. While he has been fulfilling the duties of the role since just before the COVID-19 pandemic, the appointment was recently formalized.
Today is Match Day! Match day is when medical students find out where they will be going for their residency training programs and the training programs find out who is coming. In this year’s match, the Department of Pathology discovered that the following medical students will be coming to Michigan on July 1, 2022 [...]
Last year was an eventful time within the Department of Pathology at Michigan Medicine. As we reminisce about 2021, let's revisit some of the greatest memories [...]
As COVID closed down research labs, researchers shifted focus.
It is with regret that we announce the passing of W. John Judd, former Professor of Immunohematology for the Department of Pathology at the University of Michigan. Judd passed on December 1, 2021, at the age of 76, in his hometown of Supply (near Wilmington), North Carolina. He served in the Department of Pathology for 34 years.
With great anticipation, the UH Core Lab team hosted Department Chairman Dr. Charles Parkos and other senior leaders in our department on November 9th to demonstrate the department’s newest automation lines. These automation lines are the result of years of planning, and literally, hundreds of hours spent envisioning, forecasting, designing, and training involving laboratory scientists [...]
The SARS-CoV-2 virus brought lab testing to the headlines. Learn how Michigan Medicine Pathology responded to this unprecedented challenge.
An interview with Kristina Martin and Christine Rigney
A study related to the maternal gut microbiome and how it regulates immunity to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in offspring was recently published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. Clinical experts from the Department of Pathology including Drs. Wendy Fonseca, Nicholas Lukacs, and Catherine Ptaschinski were responsible for carrying out this study [...]
Research pertaining to Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) and cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinomas was just published in the latest edition of Modern Pathology. Led by the team of Drs. Paul Harms, May Chan, Aaron Udager, Rajiv Patel, and more [...]
Research from experts in the Department of Pathology was published in Europe PMC's Histopathology. The team comprised of Drs. Jiaqi Shi, Laura Lamps and Erika Hissong examined the impact of adenomatoid tumors within the gastrointestinal tract [...]
The Department of Pathology's 2020 Annual Report is now available online. In the report, you will read about the department’s tripartite mission of research, education, and patient care, and learn about the goals of the department’s Strategic Council [...]
The Department of Pathology is pleased to announce its new Pathology Residency Training Program Leadership Team! Dr. Shih Hon (Sean) Li, will transition from Associate Residency Program Director to Residency Program Director, replacing Dr. Kristine Konopka, on August 1, 2021. Supporting him are Dr. David Manthei, who will serve as the Associate Residency Program Director for Clinical Pathology, and Dr. Sara Abbott [...]
The Department of Pathology is pleased to announce that Dr. Carmen Gherasim has been chosen as this year’s recipient of the 2020-2021 Faculty Teaching Award [...]
Research by Drs. Alexander Taylor and Stephanie Skala seek to understand why tumors masquerade as forms of type-2 papillary of renal cell carcinoma. The study was just published in Urologic Oncology's ScienceDirect [...]
A new publication from the Department of Pathology, led by Dr. Kathleen Cho, was just published in the American Association for Cancer Research's flagship journal. highlights how altering the microbiome within a mouse model of oviductal high-grade serious carcinoma can inhibit tumorigeneis [...]
A new study, led by U-M graduate in molecular and cellular pathology Dr. Andi Cani, was just published in European Urology Oncology. The publication focuses on the development of a whole-urine, multiplexed, next-generation RNA-sequencing assay that is used for the early detection of aggressive forms of prostate cancer [...]
The Department of Pathology was well represented at the 110th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP), held March 13-18, 2021. This year's event was reconstructed into a fully virtual format in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with participants able to tune in and contribute from all over the world. Several of our faculty and trainees were featured at this year's conference. Let's take a moment to recap some key highlights from #USCAP2021.
A new study from Drs. Andrew Muntean and Nirmalya Saha of the Department of Pathology's Muntean Lab was just published in Biochim et Biophysica (BBA) Reviews on Cancer. The research project sheds light on the multi-faceted role of the SUV family of H3K9 methyltransferases in carcinogenesis and within cancer progression.
Thursday, January 28th, was a bittersweet day for the Department of Pathology. Bill LeBar, Administrative Manager of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, retired after more than 12 years of service. A virtual retirement ceremony was held in his honor, with more than 50 faculty, staff, and family members attending [...]
Marie began her career at the University of Michigan as an undergraduate biology student working in security at the old Mott Hospital, checking ID badges. This is where she caught the attention of the phlebotomy supervisor, Theresa Malcolm, who encouraged Marie to contact her about a position in phlebotomy. Marie called and, as Marie recalls, “The rest is a 35-year history.”[...]
Congratulations to Suzanne Butch for winning the American Association of Blood Banks’s 2020 President’s Award. This award was in recognition of her “extraordinary work with the ISBT Working Party on Information Technology and [her] leadership in moving the ISBT 128 labeling program forward.” [...]
A new study led by Drs. Jolanta Grembecka and Tomasz Cierpicki of the Department of Pathology was just published in Blood's American Society of Hematology. The research focuses on combinatorial treatment with menin and FLT3 and how inhibitors induce complete remission in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with activating FLT3 mutations [...]
New research by the Department of Pathology was recently published in Modern Pathology. The study, led by Drs. Aaron Udager, Noah Brown, Bryan Betz, Jonathan McHugh and Scott Tomlins, focuses on how TP53 mutations and CDKN2A mutations and deletions are highly recurrent molecular alterations within malignant progression of sinonasal papilomas [...]
Congratulations to Usha Kota, BS, MT(ASCP) on her retirement following 32 years in Pathology! Usha began in Pathology in 1988 in the blood bank, moving to flow cytometry in 1989. In 1990, she was promoted to senior technologist, then flow cytometry supervisor in 1994. In 2005, she was promoted to laboratory supervisor of Hematology [...]
12:00 pm EST
Join #UMichPath and the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine for a virtual event with department faculty Dr. Gabriel Nuñez, who will be hosting a discussion related to host-microbiota interactions in modern health and disease.
Congratulations to Don Giacherio, PhD, who retired July 31, 2020, following 38 years of service in the University of Michigan Department of Pathology. Giacherio completed his PhD at the University of Illinois in 1980, followed by a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at Mayo Clinic. In 1982, Giacherio joined the University of Michigan Department of Pathology as an Instructor in Pathology [...]
Dr. Celina Kleer named 2019 AACR Outstanding Investigator in Breast Cancer Research
Research from Dr. Analisa Difeo was just published in Nature Communications. The study focuses on miR-181a and how it initiates and perpetuates oncogenic transformation through the regulation of innate immune signaling [...]
The publication takes an in-depth examination of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) caused by COVID-19 and how it is morphologically indistinguishable from other causes of DAD.
Congratulations to Thomas Annesley, PhD, on winning the 2020 IFCC Award for Distinguished Contributions in Education.
The research, which focuses on invasive squamous cell carcinomas and the precursor lesions that demonstrate concordic genomic complexity in driver genes, was just published in Modern Pathology.
Serology testing for SARS-CoV-2 is now available for ordering on appropriate patients at Michigan Medicine. A separate process for testing and screening of health care workers and Michigan Medicine affiliates will be communicated in the coming weeks.
The serology test detects specific antibodies generated as part of the immune response to SARS-COV-2 infection. Our current test methods detect [...]
The Department of Pathology 2019 Annual Report is now available online. Our department continues to show outstanding performance and growth and the past year was another example of why our department is one of the best in the world.
In the report, you will read about [...]
Dr. Farkash recently sat down with the podcast team to discuss renal pathology during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study pertains to the molecular characterization of uterine and ovarian tumors and their relationships to epithelial and germ cell features by somatic derivation.
The study sheds light on alternative methods used for measuring size and depth of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma.
Clinical Pathology Operations Director, Kristina Martin, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, has been named the recipient of the 2020 Recent Alumni Award from the Michigan State University College of Natural Science. Martin graduated from [...]
I am standing in the Blood Bank at Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor. I am looking at the refrigerator that contains only one day's supply of blood for the hospital.
The hospital is full. There are patients who need blood and cannot wait. Some have leukemia. Some are bleeding. Some are infants born with heart disease who will die is they do not have surgery [...]
Resources and guidance.
The Epic Bugsy Application went live June 3rd with no major issues and under budget. Although this application is used mainly by the Infection Prevention team within MiChart, it relies heavily on Microbiology/Virology data. [...]
Tom Morrow grew up in Ann Arbor, graduated from U-M, and spent his entire 47-year career working for the University. He joined the Department of Pathology as a System Administrator in 1981, and while he’s officially retiring February 28th, he’ll stay [...]
Event showcases clinical and translational research.
Suzanne Butch, who is the Division of Quality and Health Improvement’s (DQHI) Manager of Clinical Pathology Quality Assurance has been an instrumental part of the International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation (ICCBBA) for many years. ICCBBA is the not-for-profit, nongovernmental standards body in official relations with the World Health Organization [...]
We are pleased to announce that Mike McVicker is the new Administrative Manager for Clinical Operations in the Department of Pathology.
Mike has worked at Michigan Medicine for over 13 years, kicking off his career in the Specimen Processing division [...]
Dr. Sean Li has been appointed to the American Board of Pathology’s (ABPath) Test Development and Advisory Committee (TDAC) for Clinical Pathology CertLink® for 2020.
Physicians appointed to TDACs are considered established subject matter experts in their subspecialties [...]
In 2015, Felipe da Veiga Leprevost, PhD, came to the University of Michigan as a research fellow to study computational proteomics. In June of 2019, he accepted a faculty position as a Research Investigator in Bioinformatics. He now has a Michigan-born little one and his roots are growing deeper in Ann Arbor [...]
After 41 years in the laboratory, Sue Stern, MS, MT(ASCP), is retiring. Sue graduated from the U-M Medical Technology Program in 1978. She then secured a position as a medical technologist in the Chemistry Laboratory. [...]
Not yet entirely settled in at home, Matt Cusick, PhD, is diving into his new role as an Assistant Professor in Clinical Pathology.
Michigan lost one of it’s most celebrated and beloved pathologists this week as Dr. Bertram Schnitzer passed away at the age of 90. [...]
The American Association of Blood Banking (AABB) Annual Meeting is the must-attend event to learn about cutting-edge research, keep up with the latest technological advances, and network with like-minded transfusion medicine professionals from around the world. AABB is committed to providing continuing education that focuses on optimizing patient and donor care and safety. [...]
The Department of Pathology embraces the future while navigating through multiple changes as it settles into its new laboratory home.
When Kasey Hilton was 19 weeks pregnant, she and her husband, Mike, visited U-M Midwives for their first ultrasound. Not knowing what to expect, the couple wasn’t concerned when a doctor was called into the room. Then, everything changed [...]
Dr. Choi is an assistant professor and the Hematopathology Fellowship Director.
No stranger to the Department of Pathology, Dr. Kristina Davis now joins the department as faculty.
1:00 - 4:00 | Lansing Brewing Company
Staff members were recognized for their years of service and for going above and beyond.
On August 1, six Michigan Medicine Department of Pathology staff members assumed positions on the board of the American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science’s (ASCLS) Michigan chapter. As [...]
Sarah Choi, MD, PhD, has been honored as one of ASCP’s “40 under Forty” program recognizing the future generation of laboratory leaders.
ASCP’s 40 Under Forty program shines the spotlight on 40 highly accomplished pathologists, pathology residents, and laboratory professionals under age 40 who have made significant contributions to the profession and stand out as the future of laboratory leadership. [...]
It began with a vision. Dr. Riccardo Valdez, Director of Clinical Pathology, was interested in moving the Clinical Flow lab from University Hospital (UH) to the HLA laboratory at the North Campus Research Complex. The shift would allow for putting similar technologies, like HLA flow and crossmatch and hemepath flow, together. It would also move the laboratory to where cases are signed out and to where marrow aspirates are stained, differentiated, and signed out [...]
Lynn McCain and Drs. David Keren and Lee Schroeder are part of a multidisciplinary team at Michigan Medicine and Rogel Cancer Center who have developed an online tool to help identify those at risk for familial cancers. InheRET, which has already [...]
he Blood Bank’s John Ko and Phlebotomy’s Jennifer Slater will serve on the board of the American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science’s (ASCLS) Michigan chapter. Beginning August 1, Ko will serve as President-Elect and Slater will serve as [...]
First-year resident, William R. Perry, MD, received a 2019 Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator Award at the 54th Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists (ACLPS) Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. The awards were established [...]
Two of our hematology lab technologists were first authors on poster abstracts at the XXXII International Symposium on [...]
University of Michigan researcher Lee Schroeder takes a deep dive on much-needed help for tackling the burden of cardiovascular diseases in India.
Eric Fearon, MD, PhD , and Thomas Glover, PhD, are two of fifteen researchers at the University of Michigan named 2018 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellows. A total of 416 members were awarded for 2018, chosen by their peers for their [...]
The 10th annual CHAMP Research Day will be held on Thursday, February 7th, 2019 from 3:00 pm to 7:30 pm in the Research Auditorium located in building 10 of the North Campus Research Complex. The event will feature presentations by Department of Pathology trainees and faculty [...]
A multi-disciplinary study out of Michigan Medicine’s departments of physical medicine and rehabilitation, pathology, and pediatrics, and Child & Family Life and the Office of Patient Experience, was published in the Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine.
Phlebotomy training tends to focus on clinical technique rather than [...]
On December 12, Dr. Thomas Glover was recognized as the recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Faculty Lectureship Award in Biomedical Research. Glover, who is the pioneer and defining scientist in the field of common fragile sites (CFS) in human chromosomes, gave [...]
Help a patient in need by donating blood on Tuesday, January 8th in the Towsley Lobby [...]
On Thursday, December 20, 2018, at 3:30 pm, the founders of InheRET, Inc., participated in the bell ringing ceremony at the University of Michigan’s Technology Transfer office. The event signaled the formal licensing of technology developed at the University of Michigan to the spin-off corporation.
InheRET, Inc., developed jointly by the Department of Pathology and the Department of Internal Medicine faculty and staff, has produced an online family health history questionnaire. It interprets patient-entered data [...]
Second-year resident, Laurie Griesinger, MD, won both second and third place at the 2018 Winter Resident Research Competition on December 1st at the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth, Michigan. The competition, held annually by the Michigan Society of Pathologists during their Winter Meeting, is open to [...]
Rohit Mehra, MD—faculty perspective on the need to understand why a patient’s cancer would not respond to treatment.
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm | Taubman Health Sciences Library
The Department's commitment to collaboration and innovation well-represented at Quality Month event.
The Department of Pathology’s blood draw station at the Rogel Cancer Center has been renovated to improve the patient experience. Prior to the renovation, the average wait time was over [...]
You have seen his face around Pathology for the past six weeks, but you may not even know his name. Winston Lee, MD, PhD, joined the Department of Pathology as a Clinical Assistant Professor on June 1, 2018. Board certified in Anatomic Pathology and Hematopathology, [...]
8:00 am – 11:30 am | University Hospital Room UH 2C224
Commitments to patient care and innovative technologies earn us top ratings.
Pathology Informatics put together a team to create a new specimen tracking application, in house.
In 1987, Lynn Forbes was taking the first year of medical laboratory technology classes at Eastern Michigan University when she received a letter. The University of Michigan was looking for students interested in filling open positions in Central Distribution, now known as Specimen Processing. Intrigued, Forbes applied. Soon after, she accepted [...]
Kelly Dotson, representing the Employee Recognition Program Committee recognized 94 Pathology Employees at this year’s Employee Recognition Program held on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. Employees were honored 10 to 40 years of service and for receiving Above and Beyond Awards for exceptional acts of service. Click through for a complete listing of our exceptional employees.
On April 30, 2018 the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) announced that U-M Professor Emeritus Thomas Annesley, PhD was awarded the 2018 Outstanding Contributions in Education Award [...]
The 9th Clinical Pathology Symposium was held on Monday, April 23rd and offered and opportunity for Department of Pathology faculty and staff to earn continuing education credits.
Attendees learned about transgender medicine, including implications on [...]
Talha Anwar is in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) and the Molecular and Cellular Pathology Program at U-M. He defended his PhD thesis, Regulation of EZH2 in triple-negative breast cancer, on Friday April 6, 2018 [...]
Pathology's involvement in tuberculosis research and diagnosis
Michigan Pathology has over 30 pathologists traveling to Vancouver, BC for this year's USCAP 2018. The department is featuring numerous speakers and displaying dozens of posters at this annual meeting. Read more to find out where and when to meet up with our faculty, fellows, and residents.
The Review Article, Innate immune responses to trauma, was released today in Nature Immunology. This work, by Markus Huber-Lang of the University Hospital of Ulm, Institute of Clinical and Experimental Trauma-Immunology in Ulm Germany, John D. Lambris of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Department of Pathology [...]
As we wish Harry Neusius a happy retirement, it is our pleasure to announce that Jennifer Slater, previous supervisor of onsite-outpatient phlebotomy areas, has been promoted to Phlebotomy Manager.
Dr. Ting successfully defended her PhD thesis, Notch ligand Delta-like 4 (DII4) induced epigenetic mechanisms in regulatory T cell function during pulmonary viral infection, on February 21, 2018. [...]
Pathology’s newest faculty will study this life-threatening condition in the Mary H. Weiser Food Allergy Center
Date: July 25, 2017
Time: 9:00am – 10:00am
Location: Med Sci 1, Rm 5330
Refreshments will be served beginning at 8:30 am. Gift card drawing for those attending from last quarterly meeting. The meeting will be recorded for those unable to attend.
In recognition of the vital role that laboratory employees play in quality healthcare for the residents of Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder has proclaimed April 23 - 29, 2017 Medical Laboratory Professionals Week. The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science - Michigan will host Lab Week Professional Advocacy Day on Tuesday, April 25. Advocacy Day is an opportunity for laboratorians to visit the offices of their legislators in Lansing to share information about the profession and network with others in the field.
April 18, 2017
9:00 – 10:00am
Medical Sciences Building 1
Room 5330
Refreshments will be served beginning at 08:30
[ ... ]
Kristina Martin, MLS(ASCP)CH will present Document Control for Control Freaks during the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics (BLD) Seminar Series at Michigan State University. The series, celebrating its 90th year, invites BLD alumni to share educational lab topics and insights from their careers in health care. Kristina’s presentation is on Tuesday, February 28 at 4:00pm EST in North Kedzie Hall, room N317.
Blood donations are used in a host of ways and often needed without warning