Congratulations to Carol Young, MLS(ASCP), clinical research project manager in microbiology, on her selection as the 2025 American Society of Microbiology’s Scherago-Rubin Award for Clinical Microbiology recipient.
This award recognizes an outstanding bench-level clinical microbiologist involved in routine diagnostic work who has distinguished themself by excellent performance. The award was established by the late Sally Jo Rubin, an active member of ASM's Clinical Microbiology Division, in honor of her grandfather, Professor Morris Scherago.
MLS Interns Katie McGraw and Cynthia Nnko Rotate Through Pathology
It has been a little over a year since the Department of Pathology began its journey toward a renewed culture by implementing the FiSH! Philosophy. One of FiSH! core principles to bring well-being to our department is the concept of bringing joy to the workplace through forms of play. The MLabs Division put FiSH! Philosophy into action on July 25th as MLabs’ EMC2 team hosted the Happy Little Painters event. The goals were simple: be welcoming, make it accessible, and embrace the inner artist (no matter how large or small). Artist Elise Martin came in to teach members of the department how to paint as a wonderful experiment (outside of the lab!).
It is with great sadness that we share the sudden and unexpected passing of Liz McCloud, QA Coordinator for Satellite Phlebotomy. Liz started at Michigan Medicine-Pathology in 2006 and grew tremendously over the years from that of a Patient Care Tech Associate to Associate Supervisor, and in 2017 she assumed the role of Quality Assurance Coordinator.
Administrative Intern from the U-M School of Public Health
Team Enhancing Care Daily at U-M Health.
A Closer Look at Histotechs in the Diagnostic Pathway
Pathology Takes Extra Steps to Ensure Patient Care Excellence
Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad (WESO) is a volunteer organization and a division of the national Science Olympiad that coordinates a county-wide science competition amongst all elementary schools in Washtenaw County. Students choose their topic of interest in January and teams are formed with coaches (generally parent or teacher volunteers)... “I was roped into coaching Potions because my middle child was interested in competing in Potions and there was no coach,” explained Eric Jedynak, from Pathology Informatics. “I figured that I had some basic chemistry and laboratory experience, however, both were a little rusty.”
The third annual Youth Summit at the Big House took place on Saturday, May 18th where students from across southeast Detroit gathered together to learn about healthcare, pathology, and more.
The Department of Pathology is sad to report the passing of another of our teammates, Hope Jones. Hope passed away in a car accident near her home on Sunday, May 12, 2024. A funeral memorial service will be Saturday, May 25, starting at 10:30am at Greater Love Tabernacle Church (17617 Plymouth Rd, Detroit, 48227).
The Clinical Pathology Symposium traveled to Danto Auditorium to showcase the Future of Pathology.
It is with profound sadness that we write about the unexpected passing of Dena Ryan, a member of our Pathology Informatics team who managed MediaLab for the Department of Pathology. Dena was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and attended Lowell High School in Lowell, Michigan. Upon graduation, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in biology from Michigan Technological University in 1999, followed by a second bachelor’s degree in clinical laboratory sciences from Eastern Michigan University, before finding her way to Michigan Medicine’s Department of Pathology as a laboratory technician. She later transitioned to Pathology Informatics to support the MediaLab application as a business analyst.
When thinking of Pathology, many people think of tests being run in a laboratory located “somewhere” or of autopsies being performed in the morgue. It is considered a field with little direct contact with patients, and this may be true for much of the department, but not all. One area of the department that has a lot of patient contact is our phlebotomy services. Phlebotomists are the people who collect blood at your bedside in the hospital or as you sit in a chair at a blood-drawing station. This high-demand career field is staffed with people whose goal is to make sure you have the best experience possible while having your blood drawn for testing.
One of these people is Jonathan Jennings, a phlebotomist at the Briarwood Clinics in Ann Arbor. Jennings has worked in this role for the past ten years, but phlebotomy was not his initial career choice in life. He occupied his younger years as a truck driver, making daily runs delivering goods around the Midwest. Years of long hours of sitting and bumping along in a semi took its toll on his body and by 40 years of age, his back could no longer endure the punishment. He had a choice to make…go on disability or find a career where his back issues could be accommodated.
David Harro recalls 40 Years in Pathology
Giving Back During Spring Break 2024
Our Apheresis Unit’s faculty and staff take excellent care of the patients who come through their doors. Their dedication and compassion were recently recognized by Michigan Medicine’s Office of Patient Experience as they were awarded as one of the top two sites for performance on the patient experience metric for the past two quarters. Keith Gran, Chief Patient Experience Officer, and Devin Uppert, OPE Administrative Director presented members of the Apheresis Team with their award on March 19, 2024.
Sunita Punjabi (MT-ASCP) reflects on nearly 34 years in Microbiology
In April 2023, six Pathology employees from across the department came together for two days of training. Many of these had never met the others in the room as they worked in different units, on different campuses, and on different shifts. But they came together with a common goal: to become FiSH! Philosophy trainers with the aim of improving the culture in the Department of Pathology. Over two days of training, these strangers became a team of motivated trainers.
Meet our new Director of Finance and Administration: Brooklyn Khoury, MS, MHA, MBA
Pathology Welcomes Four New Division Directors
Imagine for a moment that it is 1:00 am and you and your toddler just arrived in the Emergency Department at the Mott Children’s Hospital. Your child is running a high fever, is lethargic, and hasn’t been able to eat or drink. You were at the pediatrician’s office a couple days ago, but tthe prescribed antibiotics aren’t working. You are nearly panicked, not knowing what is wrong. The triage nurse rushes your precious little one to a room where a critical care team quickly makes an assessesment and draws blood, which then disappears from the room, as you await answers[...]
The Pathology Department Fall Picnic Event for all faculty and staff will be held on Sunday, October 1st at Wiard's Orchards.
We want to be a FiSHy department.” No, we don’t want to engage in unethical/illegal behaviors. Rather, the goal for the Department of Pathology is to enculturate the FISH! Philosophy©. The FiSH! Philosophy captures the practices of the world-famous Pike Place Fish Company in Seattle, Washington. It is an approach that embodies four simple practices that can revolutionize how someone lives and works: Choose Your Attitude, Be There, Make Their Day and PLAY. With the FiSH!
The Department of Pathology is pleased to announce Brooklyn Khoury, MBA, MHSA, MS as the new Chief Department Administrator (CDA), effective Monday, June 19, 2023. Ms. Khoury was identified as a top candidate after a comprehensive national search. Khoury will partner with our Department Chair, Dr. Charles Parkos, to manage operations and accomplish strategic initiatives across all our missions.
Michigan Medicine's Youth Summit at the Big House 2023
The ever-popular annual Clinical Pathology Symposium returned to an in-person format this year in honor of Medical Laboratory Professionals Week and was a hit! The theme for this year’s Symposium was Resilience. Rebound. Readiness. Held in the football-shaped Dining Hall at the NCRC [...]
Some exciting news is breaking in the Department of Pathology specifically for our laboratory professionals. Medical Laboratory Professionals week is coming soon – the week of April 23, 2023, and with it, a new opportunity is being presented to our phlebotomists, laboratory technicians, and medical laboratory scientists working on the frontlines of our clinical laboratories.
This year, thanks to the generosity of Ms. Suzanne Butch, laboratory professionals through the Senior Technologist level will be eligible to have their certification or recertification fee reimbursed. Laboratory professionals will need to sign-up HERE no later than Monday, May 8th at 8:00 am to be selected at random to have their fees reimbursed. Anyone who’s certification or recertification fees have or will come due in 2023 is eligible to enter. Up to $5,000 in fees will be covered across those whose names will be drawn on May 9th*.
If you wish to help ensure more of our frontline staff have their certification fees covered, and can obtain ongoing professional education, you can contribute to this fund. Certification fees range from $170-$240 and recertification from $95-$110. Larger gifts can help multiple individuals or be used to grow the fund for future use. Even a small contribution can make a big difference to our frontline staff, so make a gift today!
*This story was updated on 4/12/23 to extend the deadline for submission and the drawing date, which were originally April 27 and April 28.
An Interview with Rodney Barber in honor of Histotechnology Day
New space at University Hospital as we celebrate Phlebotomy week.
Standing-Room-Only Crowd Honors Achievements
Inpatient and outpatient phlebotomists from Michigan Medicine Department of Pathology are highlighted in career snapshots videos produced by The Pathologist Magazine. Click through to watch these videos or to get a link to open positions in phlebotomy at Michigan Medicine.
Nebraska native, David Golden, shucks Scarlet and Cream for Maize and Blue as he moves up the ranks in Pathology.
On September 25th, Pathology faculty, staff, trainees and their families gathered at Wiard’s Orchard in Milan, Michigan for the annual Pathology Appreciation Fall Picnic. While the weather was overcast, it was a pleasant fall day in the lower 60’s – just right for a day of fun activities!
The Department of Pathology's Specimen Processing Team
A glimpse into Karen Barron's role as the Allied Health Education Program manager and helping to create opportunities for young laboratory professionals.
Drs. Laura Lamps, Maria Westerhoff, and Angela Wu become the three newest Assistant Chairs in the Department of Pathology with a focus on Wellness, Staff Development and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion [...]
Learn more about Scott Marquette's recent visit to the Clinical Microbiology laboratory and about the Visual Inventory Management pilot, a new initiative that is intended to help lab staff better organize their tools, resources and assets within the lab setting [...]
Congratulations to Kristina Martin, Clinical Pathology Operations Director, who recently took home the award for the Scientific-Assembly Laboratory Administration award from the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) [...]
With over 80 participants from the Department, the event was a big success.
...and what do they do?
On Saturday, May 21, 2022, Michigan Medicine hosted its first-ever Youth Summit at Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor. The event, which included local middle schools from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and surrounding communities, invited young students out to the Big House in order to come and experience a day in medicine. The Department of Pathology had a station set up on the concourse, where these students could come try out microscopy, learn about urinalysis and practice phlebotomy on a fake arm [...]
The Department of Pathology is pleased to welcome Andrew Szczembara as our new Point of Care (POC) Manager. A 2010 UM graduate, Szczembara joined the department in March 2012 as an inpatient phlebotomist on the midnight shift. He later transitioned to Brighton Health Center as a Phlebotomist Specialist lead [...]
On May 11, the Department of Pathology recognized the Class of 2022 Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) interns, who successfully completed the program. A graduation ceremony was held at the Superior Conference room, hosted by Allied Education Health Program Manager Karen Barron, MT (ASCP). The event featured remarks from Drs. Jeffrey Myers, Kathleen Cho, and Chair Dr. Charles Parkos. Graduates received their certificates of completion as they prepared to move into the next phase of their careers [...]
The Department of Pathology is set to participate in the Michigan Medicine Youth Summit on Saturday, May 21, 2022 at the Big House in Ann Arbor [...]
This year's Medical Laboratory Professionals Week celebration at the Department of Pathology, which ran from April 24-30, 2022, was a big success! Let's take a moment to recap some of the top moments...
We would be lost without you!
Christine Baker provides an update on Phase 2.3 of the Pathology Renovation and Relocation Program (PRR), which focuses on the progress of the Blood Bank at the University Hospital [...]
Meet the members of the Research Administration team within the Department.
On Monday, February 14, members from the Department of Pathology, including Tamara Kutter, Caryn Crane, Avery Polk and Jenny Fossum, teamed up to host a Random Act of Kindness event at the University Hospital. The afternoon entailed a giveaway of carnation flowers for Valentine's Day [...]
Leadership at all levels engaged in the fight against COVID; a behind-the-scenes look.
"I am very appreciative of the opportunity to work as the Residency Program Administrator in Pathology at the University of Michigan,” stated Laura Jacobus. “I graduated from the University of Michigan Dearborn and always wanted to work for U-M. I am happy and excited to be here.” Jacobus previously worked as a Residency Program Coordinator at [...]
Learn more about what it takes to be a Medical Examiner Investigator (MEI) within the section of Autopsy and Forensic Pathology.
Last year was an eventful time within the Department of Pathology at Michigan Medicine. As we reminisce about 2021, let's revisit some of the greatest memories [...]
Research from INHERET was just published in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN). Learn more about this study, which analyzes the implementation of InheRET's online tool that provides information about family history as it relates to cancer risks [...]
On January 21, 2022, the Department of Pathology will bid a fond farewell to long-time staff member, Alan Machcinski. Alan joined the Department of Pathology in September 1974, working in our microbiology lab, where he performed microbial susceptibility testing. With a degree in philosophy, Alan never intended to spend his career in the department. But like many others, once he joined our team, he never left [...]
Lisa Neal, Kelly Root, Sierra Onickel, and Camren Clouthier share insights into Forensic and Departmental Photography.
With great anticipation, the UH Core Lab team hosted Department Chairman Dr. Charles Parkos and other senior leaders in our department on November 9th to demonstrate the department’s newest automation lines. These automation lines are the result of years of planning, and literally, hundreds of hours spent envisioning, forecasting, designing, and training involving laboratory scientists [...]
An interview with Kristina Martin and Christine Rigney
In honor of Veteran’s Day, the Department of Pathology wishes to recognize members of our community who have served in the United States Armed Forces and their families. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice [...].
The Department of Pathology is proud to unveil its newest initiative - the Pathology Anti-Racism Taskforce, also called PART. Composed of faculty and staff members from the Department, PART aims to eliminate racism within the health system, on the Michigan campus, and within the greater community [...]
On Sunday, October 10, the Department of Pathology hosted its annual Fall Picnic at Wiard's Orchard in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Members of the department ranging from faculty, to staff, to trainees, came out for a day of fun in the fall weather [...]
It is with incredible sadness that we report the death of Pathology’s Chief Department Administrator, Martin “Marty” Lawlor. Marty passed away at the age of 56 following a brief illness on Friday, September 17th, surrounded by his children, Maxwell, Sarah, and Brendan, his mother Sylvia Lawlor, and his partner Andrea Springsteen [...]
The Pathology Desktop Support and Help Desk team provides everyone in Pathology with computing and printing hardware, network access, software portfolio, and support services. Without them, the department could not function [...]
This week, the Department of Pathology proudly unveiled its newest workspace as part of the PRR initiative. This new space, located on the second floor of University Hospital, is a quiet room dedicated to wellness, rest and relaxation [...]
The Department of Pathology's 2020 Annual Report is now available online. In the report, you will read about the department’s tripartite mission of research, education, and patient care, and learn about the goals of the department’s Strategic Council [...]
Within the Department of Pathology, lives a Communications Team who handle all aspects of departmental promotion. Led by Lynn McCain, the team also features Brent Temple, Camren Clouthier and Carrie Walper on the MLabs side. Learn more about this group of creative-minded individuals and how they help to put the Department on the map.
On Friday June 18, the Department of Pathology hosted its second-annual Equality Walk in observance of the Juneteenth holiday.
In 2009, a shy, but extremely talented employee arrived in the Education Office of the Department of Pathology. “From the beginning, we knew we’d work well together and since then, our team has become like family,” stated Marie Goldner about Pam Howard, the Residency Program Administrator. This week, the Education office bids Pam a fond farewell as she retires. “If I had to choose what I appreciate the most about Pam, it is her incredible commitment to her work. That is not something that can be easily taught. I think it is a characteristic inherent in who she is,” continued Goldner [...]
The department has navigated an unprecedented workload over the past year and continues to increase. Hear from experts Christine Kizer, Dr. Michael Bachman, Jennifer Bergendahl, and more, as they discuss how efforts have helped Michigan Medicine stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic [...]
This year's Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW) kicks off from April 18 until April 24, 2021. The department plans to celebrate with virtual events and activities for all those within the department! When did it start, and how can you be a part of it? Continue to the article for more information [...]
The Department of Pathology bids a fond farewell to administrative assistant Ms. Linda O’Brien, who is set to retire from the Department at the end of February. Linda leaves the department with over 30 years of service, primarily working with the GI pathology faculty [...]
Marie began her career at the University of Michigan as an undergraduate biology student working in security at the old Mott Hospital, checking ID badges. This is where she caught the attention of the phlebotomy supervisor, Theresa Malcolm, who encouraged Marie to contact her about a position in phlebotomy. Marie called and, as Marie recalls, “The rest is a 35-year history.”[...]
Congratulations to Suzanne Butch for winning the American Association of Blood Banks’s 2020 President’s Award. This award was in recognition of her “extraordinary work with the ISBT Working Party on Information Technology and [her] leadership in moving the ISBT 128 labeling program forward.” [...]
Congratulations to Usha Kota, BS, MT(ASCP) on her retirement following 32 years in Pathology! Usha began in Pathology in 1988 in the blood bank, moving to flow cytometry in 1989. In 1990, she was promoted to senior technologist, then flow cytometry supervisor in 1994. In 2005, she was promoted to laboratory supervisor of Hematology [...]
Experts from the Department of Pathology's Phlebotomy Team were featured on Michigan Medicine's "The Wrap" podcast. The podcast focuses on the department's Poke Plan Program at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, an initiative that helps to alleviate pain and fear among children during the blood draw process [...]
Kathy Davis, IT Administrative Director in Pathology Informatics, retires after more than 40 years of service to the Department of Pathology. Over her career, she has contributed to lab information system software development efforts that have impacted the history of pathology informatics, both at Michigan and nationally.
The University of Michigan will begin a Sampling and Testing Program of asymptomatic students, faculty and staff for the virus that causes COVID-19 on September 7.
On Friday, June 19, the Department of Pathology hosted an Equality Walk at NCRC `in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. Here, members from all areas of the department gathered to show their support against racial discrimination and for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Peter Ouillette, MT (ASCP) shares his experience working as the Department's Digital Pathology Operations Manager.
Selections will be chosen in a virtual ceremony on June 20.
Clinical Pathology Operations Director, Kristina Martin, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, has been named the recipient of the 2020 Recent Alumni Award from the Michigan State University College of Natural Science. Martin graduated from [...]
Today is Administrative Professionals Day. A day to honor all of our amazing Admins who undergird our missions and ensure everything runs smoothly. Thank you for all that you do!
During the COVID-19 pandemic, and every day, our Department of Pathology phlebotomists are on the front lines of patient care.
We often call our phlebotomists the face of the laboratory since they are often the first, if not the only, touchpoint to the department for patients. [...]
Three years ago, Julian Mioc decided to plan for his retirement and his official last day is February 28, 2020. “I'm looking forward to my retirement in Florida to be with my family and grandchildren.” Please join us in wishing Julian a peaceful and joyous retirement! [...]
Tom Morrow grew up in Ann Arbor, graduated from U-M, and spent his entire 47-year career working for the University. He joined the Department of Pathology as a System Administrator in 1981, and while he’s officially retiring February 28th, he’ll stay [...]
Michigan Medicine Headlines recently asked for nominations of faculty and staff who amaze colleagues with their work ethic, dedication, and commitment to carrying out the organization’s mission. Among those recognized were the staff from the Rogel Cancer Center phlebotomy team [...]
The Department of Pathology’s Division of Quality and Health Improvement welcomes Ellie Mills, the new Quality Assurance Coordinator.
Suzanne Butch, who is the Division of Quality and Health Improvement’s (DQHI) Manager of Clinical Pathology Quality Assurance has been an instrumental part of the International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation (ICCBBA) for many years. ICCBBA is the not-for-profit, nongovernmental standards body in official relations with the World Health Organization [...]
We are pleased to announce that Mike McVicker is the new Administrative Manager for Clinical Operations in the Department of Pathology.
Mike has worked at Michigan Medicine for over 13 years, kicking off his career in the Specimen Processing division [...]
Mary Jo Bishop retired on December 13, 2019, after working in Pathology for 28 years! Mary Jo began her career working in specimen processing and ended up in surgical pathology where she was for the bulk of her career. Over the years, Mary Jo developed friendships with many in our department, which was evidenced by the strong turn-out for her retirement party on December 13th. Faculty, staff, and department leadership all came to wish her well [...]
After 41 years in the laboratory, Sue Stern, MS, MT(ASCP), is retiring. Sue graduated from the U-M Medical Technology Program in 1978. She then secured a position as a medical technologist in the Chemistry Laboratory. [...]
At 23 years old, Jeanette Jeffreys just knew she would work for the University of Michigan “forever.” She was hired by Suzanne Butch to work for the Department of Pathology Blood Bank. When her job was going to be eliminated by a computer, she was asked to stay on in the Pathology Office. [...]
The Pathology Communications Team recently welcomed two new members: Camren Clouthier, who joins the team as our Multimedia Designer, and Lidija Fremeau, who is temporarily joining the team as a Marketing & Media Assistant. [...]
Members of the Department of Pathology and their families gathered for a picnic at Wiard's Orchard in Ypsilanti on Sunday, September 15th [...]
In November 2018, postdoctoral fellow Jay Vornhagen, PhD, was appointed as the first Department of Pathology Medical School Postdoctoral Trainee Senator. The Medical School Postdoctoral Trainee Senate is a volunteer organization [...]
Staff members were recognized for their years of service and for going above and beyond.
On August 1, six Michigan Medicine Department of Pathology staff members assumed positions on the board of the American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science’s (ASCLS) Michigan chapter. As [...]
Lynn McCain and Drs. David Keren and Lee Schroeder are part of a multidisciplinary team at Michigan Medicine and Rogel Cancer Center who have developed an online tool to help identify those at risk for familial cancers. InheRET, which has already [...]
The Blood Bank’s John Ko and Phlebotomy’s Jennifer Slater will serve on the board of the American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science’s (ASCLS) Michigan chapter. Beginning August 1, Ko will serve as President-Elect and Slater will serve as [...]
Two of our hematology lab technologists were first authors on poster abstracts at the XXXII International Symposium on [...]
11:00am - 3:00pm | NCRC Bldg 18 / Dining Hall
Every day at Michigan Medicine’s University Hospital, Lisa Belanger Neal uses a camera to demystify death.
On Thursday, December 20, 2018, at 3:30 pm, the founders of InheRET, Inc., participated in the bell ringing ceremony at the University of Michigan’s Technology Transfer office. The event signaled the formal licensing of technology developed at the University of Michigan to the spin-off corporation.
InheRET, Inc., developed jointly by the Department of Pathology and the Department of Internal Medicine faculty and staff, has produced an online family health history questionnaire. It interprets patient-entered data [...]
A non-profit organization co-founded by U-M Department of Pathology Communications Specialist, Elizabeth Walker, is receiving the 2018 Hope Award for Innovation from RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. Walker's organization, The ART of Infertility, uses art [...]
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm | North Campus Research Complex
Pathology Informatics put together a team to create a new specimen tracking application, in house.
Congratulations to Cindy Howard on her retirement from the Department of Pathology. Cindy first started in the department nearly 41 years and we thank her for all of her hard work over the past four decades.
Recently published by Michigan Medicine Headlines, Michigan Medicine recognizes its employees that continue to "make a difference and inspire colleagues through their hard work and dedication". Within the last month, one of Pathology's own phlebotomists, Trish Harris, was recognized [...]
As we wish Harry Neusius a happy retirement, it is our pleasure to announce that Jennifer Slater, previous supervisor of onsite-outpatient phlebotomy areas, has been promoted to Phlebotomy Manager.
Ten individuals and teams at Michigan Medicine have been named gold medalists for their commitment to education, research, and patient care, including Anatomic and Surgical Pathology's Mary Jo Bishop. [...]